24 October 2015 10:16
Due to the severe weather at COTA and concern for patrons' vehicles, COTA is making the following parking
changes for Saturday only:
- Group 1: LOTS G, L, N
- These grass lots will be closed and these patrons will need to use the downtown shuttle.
- Group 2: LOT E
- Lot E permit holders should use Lot F. Lot E is CLOSED.
- Group 3: LOT F
- Lot F will remain open; however these patrons are encouraged to use the downtown
- Group 4: LOT T
- Lot T permit holders should use Lot Q, located 1.5 miles east of COTA along FM 812 near
Maldonado Trail.
- Group 5: 973 PARK N RIDE
- 973 pre-paid permits should use the paved Southeast Metropolitan Park (located on the north side
of SH 71 at Ross) or Del Valle High School (located on east side of Ross south of SH
- Group 6: LOTS A, B, C, D, H
- These paved lots at COTA remain open for pre-paid permits only.
All patrons are encouraged to use the downtown shuttle located at the Austin Convention Center at
4th and Trinity. Any pre-paid parking passes for any lot are good for four (4) individuals to ride the
downtown shuttle free. The shuttle drops off at COTA at the Grand Plaza.
At the current time, improved weather on Sunday means that Sunday parking is expected to operate as normal.